09 Tom Price – Kununurra

Tom Price to Kununurra 20th August – 20th September

In the last post from Tom Price the plan was to head north camping at Karijini National Park for 8 nights followed by 3 nights at Millstream Chichester National Park … well … the time at Karijini far exceeded expectations but on the last day after some particularly cavernous corrugations the rear shock absorber gave up absorbing shocks and the riding experience was transformed from ‘smoooooooth riding mower’ to ‘bouncing crunching pogo stick’. With dirt road travel impossible and the nearest motorbike repair shop some 600km away in Karratha it was time for a bit of lateral thinking.

Karijini National Park

Dale’s Camp Ground 19th – 27th August 2021

Before entering WA I hadn’t heard of Karijini National Park, however once over the boarder a chorus of recommendations ushered it to the top of the list. While in the Wheatbelt I booked the next available camp spot which was some two and a half months away … the first booking I had made on the trip! After 8 days of exploring gorges, swimming water holes and climbing Mount Bruce it became clear it was a jewel.


Lawnmower Repairs

Tom Price 28th August to 5th September 2021

In the first few days of camping at Karijini I met English travellers Josh and Georgia who were having a couple of days break from dismantling their car engine in Tom Price. They had a new short engine on order from Poland and were using the Men’s Shed to do the work. As mechanical simplicity was a key reason for picking the mower, the decision was simple … it was back to Tom Price to order front and back suspension parts and sign up to become a member of the Men’s Shed.

Photographs:- 1. Tom Price Men’s Shed, 2. After removing the air box, the rear shock slipped in from the top … this avoided taking the rear wheel off and inserting from the bottom which is the recommended method … masterstroke! 3. Allocated working bay … luxury!, 4. View from shed of Mt Nameless, 5. Installation of new fork springs, fork oil and dampers. Josh & Georgia’s car in background with engine removed!

Mt Nameless

Mt Nameless, Tom Price 1st September 2021

While waiting for the Lawnmower parts, I finally made it to the top of Mount Nameless. On the summit I was greeted by a rather shattered Lyn who had only just managed to survive the bumpy drive to the top with husband Russ – refer last pic in slide show below. After walking back down I realised they were camped nearby, where I found Lyn had miraculously recovered from Russ’s driving to the extent that, that evening we sat down to a roast dinner in their caravan and solved most of the worlds problems … seemed we did anyway!

Camp Draft

Nameless Valley Dr, Tom Price 29th August 2021

When I was informed by a local that the ‘Camp draft’ was on just around the corner, I had no idea what it was or how it worked. How could I resist … so off I went and after 3 hours with the help of locals pieced together how it all works. Interestingly the crowd was void of miners in hi-vis and consisted of cattle farmers in big boots and Akubra hats. Apparently campdrafting is peculiar to Australian originating among stockmen in outback Queensland in the late 1800’s, however according to this link it is similar to some American stock horse events. Also mentioned in the link is that during the equine Influenza outbreak, motorbikes were used instead of horses. I’m not sure chasing cows at high speed for fun is in the cow’s best interests, but then again neither is eating them … good discussion point, hey?


Long Train

Nameless Valley Drive, Tom Price 30th August 2021

Tom Price only has only one railway crossing that I’m aware of and it is situated on the road between the main town and the camp ground. Stopped by a train there one evening, I captured the following clip which will give you some idea of how long the Pilbara iron ore trains are.


Mine Tour

Mine Road, Tom Price 1st September 2021

Still not sure what possessed me to sign up for a bus tour to see the local Rio Tinto iron ore mine. For the payment of $30, I was confined to a bus for most part of 2 hours while being driven around a landscape of absolute desolation … what was I thinking? The following clip is a jooshed up interpretation of how I would have conducted the mine tour … eg to stop people on the tour bus going to sleep. WARNING: this clip contains lots of sound, light and dubious editing.


From the Pilbara to the Kimberley

Tom Price to Kununurra 9th to 20th September 2021

The intention was to produce a clip describing the trip from Tom Price to Kununurra. Editing this one will have to wait as the temperature outlook for these parts is well above normal with maximums in the low 40’s and rising. As this is not Big Agnes’s nor my optimal operating temperature an executive decision has been made to slowly head to the relative cool of Cairns over the next month for a holiday from travelling for a while. The 12 slides below provide a brief view of the trip from Tom Price and Kununurra.

Photographs:- 1. Wildflower? – “Apple of Sodom” Caliotropis procera is on the declared pest list!, 2. Racing trains on the Rio Tinto private road between Tom Price and Karratha, 3. Karratha to Broome … lots of nothing, 4. Two mowers, peacock and Francesco at Sandfire, 5. Cable Beach Broome, 6. Back in savannah country, 7. Windjana Gorge jam-packed with freshwater crocodiles, 8. Queen Victoria’s Head, Napier Ranges, 9. Cattle mustering helicopters on Gibb River Station, 10. Wrong turn and ended up in Drysdale River Station campground for the night. 120km off course on the worst roads known to humanity, 11. Mighty Cockburn Ranges, 12. Mirima NP, 5 minutes walk from the Kununurra Pub (who needs to go to the Bungle Bungles).


Surprisingly the number of Lawnmower riders sighted have been few and far between on this journey, the last being Francesco at Sandfire and before that next to none. So it was quite a surprise to meet Yan and Aga a swiss-polish couple and their DR650’s, gazing out at the spectacular Cockburn Ranges near the east end of the Gibb River road. The temperature must have been in the low 40’s but felt a bit hotter in the direct sun and high humidity. As they were from Europe, I asked how they were coping with the heat and Yan explained he had just been flown back from Broome where he had been treated for heat exhaustion! Nothing was going to stop their adventure …… crazy lovely people. Had a text from them yesterday to say they had made it safely to the relative cool of Tom Price after checking out Karijini.

If you are interested in more about Yan & Aga’s trip go to farwayout.com

Aga & Yan – the drone won’t fly because it’s too hot!

Pic from the Past

You may remember the two clips ‘Plans Change’ and ‘Gascoyne to Pilbara’ both featured an encounter with a mud puddle. Well … this morning Rob and Wendy sent thru this photo they took as I arrived at the Kennedy Ranges camp ground that afternoon. Wasn’t as bad as I thought, other that there wasn’t any running water until Mt Augustus!

Resume travelling tomorrow, heading east to Timber Creek. Thinking at this stage it will take the rest of the month to mow my way back to Cairns. Will let you know how it goes.

Cheers for now 87)


  1. Mark, that was more than I ever wanted to know about camp drafting and, yes, mining is messy and incredibly destructive…Quelle surprise!!! Now check out how many iron-based components there are on the mower….and if they’re all aluminium a visit to Weipa is required for calibration!
    Looking forward to seeing you back in Cairns, Brynn


  2. Love the blog Mark, really interesting. I look forward to reading it to take my mind off a busy day. I’m thinking about all of the interesting butterflies that you might have seen on your travels so far.


    • Will have to focus more on the butterflies as haven’t seen that many. Been focusing more on ants … probably because they frequently mistake me as a food source.


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